This week on The Liberty Cast, Big E talks about the fear porn tactic the left is employing to subjugate us, the admission by the administration that they are partnering with the big tech tyrants to keep information from us, and he asks, when did we become such cowards and how did that happen? He gets in to all of that and a whole lot more. Don’t miss it!!
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- San Jose will require gun owners to carry liability insurance.
- San Jose’s new disarmament ordnance is just theater.
- Unless you’re a leftist. the racist roots of disarmament are hard to ignore.
- Cuban refugee warns us about the communist threat from within.
- Fourth circuit court rules 18-21 year-olds have right to keep and bear arms.
- Jonathan Turley wrote a great piece about the Tech Tyrant’s censorship.
- Texas Senate passed House Bill 3 which does nothing to restrict voting.
- JAMA study spells out the danger of masking children.
- Keith Olbermann beclowns himself once again in epic fashion.
- ATF proposed rule change for the Definition of “Frame or Receiver”.
- ATF proposed rule change for Firearms With Stabilizing Braces.