Welcome to The LibertyCast! We are about to do something special here. In a couple of weeks we will be launching a podcast (frequency as yet to be determined) where I will talk about the news of the day/week as well as touch on any relevant or interesting topics in pop culture.
Just to give you a hint of what we are all about, here are some broad strokes on our positions:
The constitution, the founding document of the United States of America provides the blueprint for how the government should conduct the business of this country. The second amendment to the constitution is something about which I am particularly passionate, so much of The Liberty Cast will be on issues that relate to 2A.
We need to secure our borders. No other country in the world is so accommodating to illegal immigrants. Any other country in the world will kick anyone there illegally out immediately upon detection. They actively look for people who overstay their visas. They secure their borders. If an illegal immigrant to any other country commits a crime there, they are imprisoned and then deported after serving their sentence. If they survive.
The government’s primary responsibility is to keep its citizens safe. We need to protect our borders and intervene on the world stage for the sole purpose of advancing or preserving our national interests. If conflicts or civil unrest in other countries don’t impact the United States, then we should stay out of it.
This is not journalism. This is an outlet for conservative commentary, so anything we talk about will almost always be from that perspective. Spirited debate with someone from the other side is welcome and I will try be respectful in my disagreement with that point of view. I will not however tolerate name calling, disrespect or threats of violence. I know that is the left’s stock in trade, but I am holding out hope that there are still some thoughtful liberals out there who can disagree without being disagreeable. However, Twitter is dashing that hope daily.
Ok, so that turned out to be a bit more than a hint.