President Trump is now former President Trump. It was a wild ride, but ultimately, this country is better off for his presidency over the past four years. Yes, the plandemic threw everything in to chaos and the left successfully used it to get him out of office; well, that and massive amounts of voter fraud, but that discussion that is basically moot at this point. By nearly every measure, the Trump presidency was a success. He was not perfect, no one is. Spending was still out of control and his record on the second amendment is spotty. He had some unforced errors and brought some problems on himself. But there was never any doubt that he loves this country and everything it stood for. The same cannot be said for President Biden.
The world is now a much less safe place with Biden in the Oval Office. China, Russia and others are all giddy with anticipation of what the next four years will bring them. Iran is eager to ramp their terrorist attacks back up. Islamic terror attacks around the world are going to increase dramatically. The leftists in Washington are all eager to see how much money they will get from the tax raises imposed on the middle class. They are eager to cozy up to China along with the Biden family and cash in there as well. Biden already signed an executive order to get us back in to the Paris Climate Accords. They are eager to send troops back over to the middle east and get us in to another pointless war. The Harris/Biden administration wants to grant amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens, eliminate cash bail for violent felons, let other violent felons out of jail because of China virus concerns, while at the same time, doing everything they can to disarm you so you cannot protect yourself against any of them.
Say what you want about Trump, but he kept us out of a new war, kept the economy humming along, unemployment was at near record lows and was at a record low for blacks, Hispanics and women. He negotiated peace deals throughout the middle east when all the so-called experts said it couldn’t be done. We became energy independent and a net exporter of oil on his watch. He did all of that and more while dealing with active resistance from the left. Imagine what could have been accomplished if they had worked with him. The planned executive orders and proposed legislation that they plan on unilaterally jamming up our collective rear ends promise to reverse all of it because they hate you, the people.
Whenever a new president takes office, one side always says something to the effect of “we survived four or 8 years of X, you’ll be fine under four or 8 years of Y.” That has largely been true, but the Obama administration changed all of that. Remember, he said he wanted to fundamentally transform this country. His dream is about to be fully realized under the Harris/Biden administration. The left now considers any dissent, hate, no matter how well reasoned or fact based said dissent is. Influential leftists are openly advocating for curbing conservatives’ first amendment rights, reeducation camps and deprogramming of Trump supporters and using “domestic spy agencies” (secret police) for spying on and rooting out people who disagree with the approved orthodoxy. The reason that fundamentally transforming this country was a goal of his in the first place, is that the left doesn’t believe in individual rights. They have said many times that the constitution is an outdated document written by slave owners and we should throw it out so we can start over in their image. This attitude reveals a profound lack of knowledge about the founders and this country’s history. It should also set of alarm bells because now that they have total control of the government for at least the next two years, the damage they plan on doing to this country will be immeasurable.
The next two to four years are going to tough on conservatives. President trump was not perfect. He is a flawed man and was a flawed president. He said and did some things I wish he hadn’t. He committed some unforced errors that made his job and defending him harder than it needed to be. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, the question is, are we better off now, than we were four years ago? The answer is unequivocally, yes. So for that Mr. President, I thank you. I thank you for your service. I thank you for the four years of peace and prosperity that we experienced under your leadership and wish you and your family well in all your future endeavors.