On my podcast last week I talked about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, democratic socialism and what it actually means. This week, Meghan Day, a member of the democratic socialist of America wrote an article for Vox actually admitting what I and others have been saying all along. They want to put an end to capitalism. I encourage you all to check out their website and read where they stand, which is in effect their manifesto.
No matter how hard they try, there is no escaping the fact that so called “democratic socialism” is rooted Nazism. The English translation of the official name of the Nazi party is Social Democratic Party of Germany. Proponents of socialism (I refuse to use the qualifier “democratic” anymore because it’s a meaningless distinction.) will try and tell you that socialism represents a “more free, democratic and human society.” That is a lie. The only way to achieve this end is to impose draconian regulations and unreasonable, prohibitive taxes on businesses. This will lead to many businesses shutting down, leaving the government to fill the void. That is not freedom; it is oppression. It is the confiscation of the fruits of the people’s labor by force. Only the biggest businesses with the most liquid assets would be able to endure such measures, but why would they want to? The regulations to which they would have to adhere are oppressive and would make them extensions of the government. High taxes and excessive regulations have shown throughout our history to lead to decreased revenues to the government, so one of the most basic tenets of their philosophy is unsustainable. If this is true then where does the money come from to fund the massive “social safety net” they so desperately want? I think to become a member of the DSA you have to have zero understanding of economics.
Even though the deep roots of American socialism go back to the founding of the Nazi party, the modern globalist focus of the current socialist movement can be traced back to accused rapist William Jefferson “Slick Willie” Clinton. It was well known that he was a proponent of a global new world order. After he left office, there was a push for him and lobbied to become secretary general of the United Nations. I’m sure that was an effort to advance the globalist world government agenda as well. Despite my issues with Bush 43, and there are many, I don’t think he was a globalist like his predecessor and successor were. Obama was without a doubt a globalist of epic proportions. His entire presidency is evidence of that assertion, but one need only look at two sentences in his final address to the UN General Assembly where he said the following:
“Sometimes I’m criticized in my own country for professing a belief in international norms and multilateral institutions, but I am convinced that in the long run, giving up some freedom of action — not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests, but binding ourselves to international rules over the long term — enhances our security.”
Giving up freedom? Only anti-Americans believe that giving up freedoms is somehow virtuous. The founders fought a revolution so that we could govern ourselves. Giving up freedom is anathema to everything we stand for as a country. Socialism when fully implemented is the government forcing us to give up freedom.
The DSA is trying to brand itself as “the next left”. The next left, just like the original left does not believe in the greatness of America, which was built on the idea of individual freedom and responsibility. This has been borne out throughout our history from the war for independence up to the present day. Americans who embrace the freedom and opportunity this country provides have an innate sense of self reliance, a desire to work and excel, an entrepreneurial spirit that has helped to build us in to the greatest superpower in the world. Socialism seeks to change that. They want to eliminate borders, eliminate wealth, impose strict environmental protections and guidelines which would cripple many of the industries that made the country as wealthy and powerful as it is. They don’t understand that the bulk of the pollution in the world is produced by countries like China and India. Good luck getting them to sign on to their juvenile agenda. I say it is juvenile because the manifesto of the DSA, which I linked to earlier in this piece reads like a petulant child’s letter to their telling their parents why they suck so bad. Meanwhile, the child lacks the self awareness to realize that the things they hate their parents for were brought about by their own actions, inactions, immaturity or lack of ability.
Stay tuned because in part II, I am going to go through the manifesto point by point and rebut every claim they make and illustrate just how juvenile and dangerous their philosophy actually is. As far as I’m concerned, they can take the next left and kick rocks up to Canada. They hate freedom up there too.